Adult Evening Class resources - Week 1
I've just started teaching an Adult Spanish Evening Class and I've realised there really isn't a lot of resources aimed at us evening tutors!
So, as I've been putting together some activities, I thought I'd share.
We practised these questions to start, together and in pairs.
We looked over the numbers and filled in our ages (not necessarily honestly - I'm 22 again...)
We filled in the gap where we're from.
Once we were all ready, we used the fold-up speaking prompt to move around the classroom to practise our speaking.
It went really well. Lots of participation and happy faces at the end!
So, as I've been putting together some activities, I thought I'd share.
We practised these questions to start, together and in pairs.
We looked over the numbers and filled in our ages (not necessarily honestly - I'm 22 again...)
We filled in the gap where we're from.
Once we were all ready, we used the fold-up speaking prompt to move around the classroom to practise our speaking.
It went really well. Lots of participation and happy faces at the end!
¡Buenos días!
¡Buenos días!
¿Cómo te
Me llamo …
¿De dónde
Soy de País
de Gales.
¿Cuántos años tienes?
Tengo _____ años.
¿Tienes hermanos?
No tengo hermanos
Si, tengo una(dos) hermana(s)
Si, tengo un(dos) hermano(s)
Vivo en ____ en el sur de País de
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