Star Wars crawl speaking/writing starter

Had a go at this today with my year 10s just for a fund starter and it went down like a house on fire!

The best thing is to have a document with a few two or three sentence paragraphs and feed them into the Star Wars Crawl Creator:

The pupils have to sit without making any notes and just read the screen as the language scrolls up, trying to memorise as much as possible.  Then, when you are ready and close the screen, they have to write down as much as they remember (or record themselves if you have the wherewithall- maybe they could use their phones if this wouldn't get you into trouble!)

We did this with three short paragraphs today and all the pupils could remember them at the end.

Also, this was really entertaining for me!

This is what your screen looks like - any child of the 70s is going to love it!

Best thing about this?  The music - definitely (well, you know, apart from the language learning opportunity, of course!)


  1. Great to see this is still out there! I used it a lot about 4 years ago, then it seemed to disappear from the Star Wars website and the link stopped working. I could have done with it last week in a revision session with about 70 Y11s!

    1. Oops - sorry - I'm a week late. I found it by accident but am loving it!


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