Wow - it's been a while! So I have had my head down and hardly looked up for several years (!) So the spark seems to be back and I'm deep in MFL-based reading and research before it can wear off again! AND IT'S ALL ABOUT THE SPEAKING AT THE MOMENT!!! Speaking in the MFL classroom is something that is close to our heart in our department and something that we're pulling out all the stops to increase and improve. We're initially going for quantity and we'll worry about the quality along the way. All my classes are busy preparing and using questions and answers for their current topics. They have all been supplied with super-exciting card (folded and cut into 8 cards) and have got 8 questions and answers. The game that they play with their partners involves putting the cards together, shuffling them and then asking each other the questions. If their partner needs to read the answer from their book, they can do that and the card goes to the bottom of the pile. ...